Here you can see the grinding evidence that the entire front landing gear box had been landed on the runway at one time. As a trainer airplane it seems to be quite common.
Here is a warm day in April, southern Oregon, Daph and I relaxing after packing up an inventory of spare T-28 parts.
We found more evidence in the propeller serial numbers that another one of the wrecks we are working on is in fact 49-1505. Here you can see the number 137400 on one blade and below you can see the FAA paperwork showing the service record of this blade on T-28 49-1505. We have enough evidence to conclude that this in fact is the wreck. Fun to figure this stuff out.
Here in June we are starting to put 51-7708X back together, cleaning and inspecting every nut and bolt, looking for cracks and painting. Here I am stripping paint and decals off getting ready to repair a hole. There are lots of bullet holes in this one.
Cleaned up and ready to start building back for a change.